The Neighbourhood Planning Group - engaging with the community to establish the Vision and Objectives shaping the future of the Deepings. When it came forward for the public vote, the completed Neighbourhood Plan received an overwhelming level of support from the Deepings community.
As a result of this extensive piece of work we now have sixteen statutory Planning Policies that are used consistently to guide future housing and employment development across the area. The Neighbourhood Plan also includes development of the Deepings Green Walk framework. The Deepings Green Walk gained national recognition for establishing The Deepings as one of the top Walking Neighbourhoods in the country - awarded by the Ramblers Association.
Friends of Deeping Library Committee - this role involves setting and supporting the strategic direction of our much loved Community Library. Recent work here includes successfully obtaining National Lottery funding to consult with the community (photo), engage with architects, and develop the building plans for a new entrance and additional activities room. Also gaining funding for library equipment and other activities.
Deepings Community Centre Trustee - the library is a subsidiary of the Community Centre Trust and my role here is primarily in a liaison capacity as a representative of the library committee.
Market Deeping Town Council - having joined the town council early last year, my contribution has been to participate fully in council discussions, to vote responsibly, and to attend annual events. Also serving on the Planning and Highways Committee, providing consultation responses to local Planning Applications.
Additionally I have focused on developing public activities and celebrations such as the Jubilee weekend outdoor music event (photo) and Deepings first Classic Car Motorcade. Together we reinstated the Christmas Market and ensured that the local town businesses, residents and visitors had an great day. We now have the Coronation Weekend events to look forward to on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th May.
We started in The Vine Inn over six years ago and have been meeting regularly since. The cafe is open from 10.30 for anyone of any age who would like to join us for cake, coffee, conversation and a quiz. We also organise occasional social events and outings such as the Community Christmas lunch and will be having a Coronation Party on Monday 8th.
The group members support one another and help to prevent potential isolation of our more vulnerable members. During the Lockdown we continued by visiting and delivering to all our regulars as our way of keeping spirits up. We were surprised and honoured to receive three Community Champion awards for our work during this time.